Thursday, March 4, 2010

6 Things You May Not Know About Me

This post responds to a challenge on a fellow runner's blog (Running & Living) to share a few things that readers may not know about me. Hmmmmm.

1. As a child I lived in three different houses in the one street - and it's not that big a street!. As an adult I have lived in two different houses on the one block (after we demolished and rebuilt). I suspect I may have issues with moving very far?

2. I work as an IT Manager but have degrees in Commerce (Accounting and Business Law) and Early Childhood Education. Life takes some interesting turns. Go figure!

3. I have several fetishes - donuts and maps being right up near the top, with technology-toys and bikes being not far behind. As I look in front of me I can also see way too many sports books sitting on my bookshelf too.

4. I keep a hold of far too much old stuff for no particular reason other than maybe one day I might use it. I think I have inherited that from my dad whom we call Noah because he has two of everything. Our garage has not housed a car for a few years now. At least 10 bikes call it home.

5. I have completed 5 marathons, 8 Ironman triathlons and hundreds of other fun runs, triathlons, swims and cycling events in an athletic career spanning 23-years. My longest 'streak' in this lot is 22 consecutive years of doing the Sydney City to Surf fun run.

6. Having my two kids - Brooke and Keira - brings me infinitely more pride and happiness than everything in point #5. My two year old used her mum's iPhone to post a photo of herself on facebook last week. No help at all. Just by herself. She was so proud. We were gobsmacked!

So, what are six things people wouldn't know about you???


  1. Loved this. 8 ironman triathlons? Wow! And your 2 y old with the iphone? Wow, wow! I think young kids are starting a new trend with technology. My 4 y old gets on his computer and is able to go to youtube by himself (when allowed!!!) and search for railroad and traffic signal videos. We have never taught him how to do that, he just watched us and picked it up. And he is not interested in watching TV, he is all about youtube videos. Thanks for sharing!

  2. 8 Ironmans! Only 1 Olympic distance for me and I nearly drowned in that!

    Maybe start cleaning out your garage now before your next move in 10 year's time.


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