Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Farewell to the Track

In preparation for the marathon this weekend I have run down at the Moorabbin Athletics Track 22 times this year. More than 130km. Over 320 laps. Any way you look at it ... a lot! Mostly in the dark. Very often windy. Sometimes with unexpected canine company. Rarely with any other runners.

Tonight was my last session there (for a while at least) and it felt kinda strange. Like saying goodbye to a friend for a while. As it was, this 'friend' served up a bit of everything. Plenty of wind, the odd spot of drizzle, and a few fast laps. A reasonably good summation of our relationship this year!

The main set today was:
6 x 400m (1.28/1.31/1.27/1.28/1.26/1.24) (400m RI)

Did this whilst still battling my throat lurgies.

Happy with these times.

One more run then race.


  1. Yes, there is some sadness at the end of a training cycle. I typically don't got back to the track for at least 1 month. Good luck with the marathon. You are going to to great!

  2. Grrrr to throat lurgies... but glory awaits you at the G!

    Good luck! Look out for a bloke with a red beard called Leon, he's my buddy and inspiration. Big ask I'm sure, for there will be many of you awaiting glory at the G!

    Have a great race!


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